California Dental Insurance, Dental Health Care Pre-Existing Conditions.
Question: Do to a recent job change I no longer have dental insurance. Because I am a diabetic it is very important that I maintain dental insurance. I have to see my dentist every three months just so I can keep my teeth in good shape. Will there be any problems with me buying a dental insurance plan because I am a diabetic? I would also like to be able to keep my current dentist since he knows about my diabetes and I like the way he takes care of me.
Answer: Most dental insurance plans will not have a problem with you being a diabetic. Pre-Existing dental conditions that are normally not covered would be any dental work currently in progress, missing teeth, replacement of bridges and dentures(depending on how long you had them) and dental work done prior to plan effective date. There can be more exclusions depending on the plan so just read the plan terms and conditions carefully.
This website also offers many good PPO’s or Indemnity (Free choice of providers) insurance plans that will let you keep your current dentist.